
Available for Purchase

Access to our interactive Process Hazard Analysis Certification with course exclusive videos and quizzes taken at your own pace.

2 published books that include content from different aspects of process safety management and risk-based leadership decisions.

Preview of what you’ll find as part of our PHA Certification Course:

Process Hazard Analysis Course: Starting Point

Process Hazard Analysis Course: LOPA Overview

Get access to our published book, Process Hazard Analysis Handbook. Learn the fundamentals of process safety management and risk-based decisions.

  • Risk management training typically fails to produce results because there can be a lack of relevance. This isn’t because your employees lack the knowledge or skills, but it’s because many course providers do not understand how professionals learn. Our training aims to enhance better decision making.

    At the Process Safety Board, we understand professionals learn best when:

    • They understand why something is important to know or do

    • Different learning styles are acknowledged and leveraged – Visual (by seeing), Auditory (by listening) or Kinesthetic (by doing)

    • They are engaged in the learning experience

    • They are ready and willing to learn

    • They are in a positive and encouraging environment

    At times where the industry is looking to reduce the length of the “on-the-job” training period, effective learning is critical to effective operational risk management.

  • Sit down and think about the risk management maturity of your team. Then, send the Process Safety Board an email in confidence and we will walk you through how to effectively empower and train your team in a way that enables better team risk-based decisions.

  • Acquire an overview of the best practices for making smarter, better, and more insightful decisions including these methods used in industrial processes:

    Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) - a collaborative approach that effectively identifies and evaluates risk in a process

    Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) – a collaborative approach to address risk acceptance with explicit enterprise risk tolerance

    Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Study - a design approach to reduce risks with automation

  • Here at the Process Safety Board, we’re aiming to help you learn how to do the following more effectively:

    • Frame a risk-based decision appropriately

    • Exhaustively identify risks

    • Generate operationally sustainable design changes

    • Quantify uncertainty using probability

    • Structure and evaluate decisions using HAZOP and LOPA to determine the best alternative and communicate evaluation results

    • Use the basics of a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Study

    • Build decision competency in your organization